Lower cost and greater environmental sustain ability.
Return on investment
Air filtration technique can remove air pollutants and effectively alleviate the deterioration of indoor air quality.
It evaluated different air filtration technologies by considering factors such as air quality improvement, filtration performance, energy and economic behavior, thermal comfort and acoustic impact.
An advanced air filtration technology that works on a micro-trapping process harnessing the combined effects of impingement, polarization, and agglomeration.
A dual polarity is created through an underlying dielectric mesh, trapping very ine particles and neutralizing bio-aerosols from the air.
It is a “Trap and Kill” process that removes PM 2.5, disease-causing germs, and allergens in recirculating systems at exceptionally high efficiency without any recurring costs.
Advanced iltration system for HI-POLUTED area.
These products are used in offices, residencies, commercial are and industrial area.